Reflections on Matthew 13:1-9


If people have the opportunity to create their soil, then the parable takes on a more positive aspect. In Yeshua’s time, he is implying that a person does have the opportunity. It is what a person does with the talents, gifts, and situation that will determine the type of soil the person lives in. This is very easy to say but very difficult to do. Growing up in a non-religious household where God was never spoken about the soil was very rocky. It was a personal determination to leave that soil and to find the rich soil of the LORD. Not everyone can find that opportunity. However, Yeshua is saying that one must try to find better living conditions that allow for faith in the LORD to develop. It is the responsibility of the righteous to help the sinners to learn about the LORD and to change their life’s direction to the positive and to the LORD. Yeshua is an excellent catalyst to make this happen.

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