Thoughts on John 5:1-18

The miracle story has a twist of the religious authorities being angered because Yeshua healed a man on the Saturday. The Talmud, which was written after Yeshua’s day, says that it is more important to preserve life than to worry about violating a Torah law. Life out trumps the law.

Thoughts on JOhn 4:43-54

The Hebraic people in Yeshua’s day were looking for signs and miracles that would prove a person to be the true Messiah. Many people lived before and during Yeshua’s life claimed to be the Messiah. John’s Gospel has seven miracles that Yeshua did. This is the second one. Healing stories are numerous in the Gospels. The actual story is missing much information that could enhance the story. However, the author must have neglected to add that information because it would detract from the miracle. Healing a person without seeing or touching him is a huge miracle. It says that Yeshua knew who the person needed healing and could send a healing force to the person without having to touch him or be in the same room. This method makes this healing an incredible miracle.