Thoughts on John 8:12-20

Yeshua is the Light of the world means that his teaching is enlightening and simple to understand. If you ever asked the question, “how do I please God?” the answer is “read the Gospels.” The core message of all four Gospels is Yeshua being the Light in the world. Yeshua brings understanding to a complex book, the Bible. So, the best way to live and prosper is following the Torah and Prophets in the manner that Yeshua taught.

Thoughts on John 8:1-8


The LORD built forgiveness into the fabric of the Universe. Yeshua demonstrated this fact by offering mercy to the adulteress woman. She did not deny her sin. Mercy for her came in an interesting way. Yeshua turned the question around and asked the crowd if there was anyone who had never sinned. It was no surprise to Yeshua that there would not be anyone who could say that. The reality of life is that all humans, except Yeshua, have committed a sin. Many times the person does not know that they did wrong. A thought is will you forgive a person who sins against you? If you are without sin, then you could say “no.”